Convenient Pharmacy Services

You have intense pain in your throat when you swallow along with a headache, fever and annoying red rash. You just saw a provider at QCare State College and they diagnosed you with strep throat and gave you a prescription. You feel awful and the last thing you want to do is to drive to a pharmacy to have your antibiotic filled. One of the advantages of seeing a provider at Penn Highlands State College is that our full service retail pharmacy, Penn Highlands Community Pharmacy is located in the Medical Office Building to fill your prescription before you return to your vehicle. Or, if you do not want to walk into the pharmacy, you can use the convenient drive-thru service.

The Penn Highlands Community Pharmacy – State College offers services to meet your needs including:

  • Walk-in or drive-thru services seven days a week.
  • Auto refill program – ideal for people who take maintenance medications, the pharmacy will automatically refill the prescriptions and call or text you when your prescriptions are due.

Drive-thru services seven days a week.
We offer Pharmacists consultation and medication review.
  • Easy refill requests by phone.
  • Prescription text alerts – the pharmacist will call or text you when your prescription is ready.
  • Immunizations and vaccinations for the flu, shingles, pneumonia, COVID-19, RSV and travel vaccines.
  • Pharmacists consultation and medication review.
  • Over-the-counter medications - a variety of over-the-counter cold and flu medications, pain relievers, lozenges, bandages, and other health aids for your comfort and convenience.

“One of the key benefits of having a retail pharmacy that is part of a health system filling your prescriptions is that we share an electronic medical record. This relationship enables our pharmacists to access a patient’s medication history and notes which reduces medication errors and allows for better coordination among the health care team,” said Adam Butters, PharmD, Manager of the Penn Highlands Community Pharmacy in State College.

The Penn Highlands Community Pharmacy is located on the first floor of the State College Medical Office Building. The pharmacy is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM; Saturday from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM; and Sunday from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Most insurance plans are accepted including Highmark and UPMC prescription drug plans.

For more information visit or call 582-220-2210